Nepal is a federal democratic republic u . s . .nepal has about 30 million human beings.kathmandu is the capital town of nepal.its country wide anthem is sayaun Thunga phool ka hami....
National Anthem
word in english
Sayau thuga phulka hami, euṭai mala nepali
Sarwabhaum bhai phailieka, Mechi-Mahakali
Sayau thugā phulka hami, euṭai mala nepali
Sarwabhaum bhai phailieka, Mechi-Mahakali
Prakritika koti-koti sampadako achala,
birharuka ragata le, swatantra ra aṭala
Gyanabhumi, śhantibhumi Tarai, pahad, himala
Akhaṇḍa yo pyaro hamro matṛibhumi Nepala
Bahul jati, bhaṣha, dharma, sanskṛti chan bishala
Agragami raṣhṭra hamro, jaya jaya Nepala
Written by: Byakul Maila (pradeep Rai)

Nepal is landlocked between China and India.The Himalayan ranges in the north form the natural boundaries between Nepal and China.Nepal has the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China to its north.India borders it in the east, west adn south.The two countries share open borders.While the rivers mechi in the east and mahakali in the west stand as our natural boundaries with india,in the south it is marked by boundary pillars which is known as Dasagaja.

Area and Size
:Nepal is roughly rectangular in shape.It has a total land area of 1,47,181 km sq.It occupies only about 0.03% of the total land of the earth and 0.3% of Asia.It is 800 kilometers long from east to west and 193 kilometers wide from north to south on an average.India,its immediate neighbour to the South,is about 23 times bigger size.Another neighbour to its north,China,has a land area which is about 63 times bigger.Nepal,however,is not the smallest country in the world.There are many countries which are much smaller than Nepal.Our country,for example,is bout twice the size of Sri Lanka about three times bigger than Bhutan.
, the country is divided into five development regions.This division has been made for good administration and proper development of he country.
The five development regions with their headquarters are as follows:
1.Eastern Development Region:Its headquarters is Dhankuta
2.Central Development Region:Its headquarters is kathmandu
3.western Development Region:Its headquarters is pokhara
4.Mid-western Development Region:Its headquarters is Birendranagar
5.Far-western Development Region:Its headquarters is Dipayal
The country has further been divided into several political and administrative units known as Zones,Districts,Municipalities and Village Development committees (VDCs).There are at present 14 zones, 75 districts, 58 municipalites and 3913 VDCs.
Physical Divisions
: Nepal can be divided into three Physical divisions.The relief feature,climate condition and natural vegetation varies in these areas.The three divisions are briefly described here under:Himalayan Region
:The Himalayan region lies in the northern part of the country.Its height ranges from 3000 meters above the sea level.It has various lofty peaks.The world's tallest peak,Mount Everest,which is 8848 meters high lies in this region.Other mountain peaks in the region are Manaslu,Makalu,Lhotse,Annapurna,Dhaulagiri etc.There is Perpetual snow over meters.The Himalayan region covers 15% of the total land area of our country but only about 2% of the land is suitable for cultivation.Hilly Region
:The Hilly region lies between the Himalayan region and the Terai region.It is the biggest region covering about 68% of the total land area of the country.It ranges from 600 meters to 3000 meters above the sea elevated flat lands and midland valleys.The valleys lying between the Mahabharat and the Churai ranges are called Dun or the Inner Terai.These valleys have alluvial soil and are very fertile for agriculture.Terai Region
:The southern most region of Nepal that stretches from Mechi to Mahakali is the Terai region.It lies from 300 meters above the sea level to 600 meters.It covers about 17% of the total land area of Nepal.The Terai region is very fertile.It gets plenty of rainfall.Most of the country's agricultural activities take place in this region.This region is called the Granary Of Nepal(ware house of Nepal) because sufficient food grains required for the country is produced in this region.River system
:Nepal is known as the second richest country of river.Let me describe you about the river system of nepal in details-: The river system constitutes another important relief feature of this country.All major rivers originate from the Himalayas.The rivers are snow-fed and swift flowing.These rivers are good for generating hydro-electricity.This country has three major river systems.They are the koshi,the Gandaki and the Karnali
The koshi is the largest river of the country.It flows through the eastern part of our country.It is also known as the Saptakoshi because it has seven tributaries.Its seven territories are Sunkoshi,Dudhkoshi,Tamakoshi,Tamor,Arun,Likhu and Indrawati
The Gandaki,which waters the central part of this country,is also called the Saptagandaki.It is also a confluence of seven tributaries.They are Budigandaki,kaligandaki.Setigandaki,Marsyandi,Trishuli,Daraudi and Madi.
The Karnali is the longest river of this country.It flows through the western part of the country.It has nine tributaries - Bheri,Sanobheri,Thulobheri,karnali,Mugukarnali,Humlakarna,Budiganga,Tila and Seti.Besides these major river systems,the country also has many other important rivers.Mechi,kankai,Bagmati,Mahakali etc.are examples
Natural Resources of Nepal
Nepal is a rich country in natural resources.If it is utilize around half of the resources in a systematic and sustainable way,Nepal can easily stand as one of the richest countries in the world.But there are many more constraints in utilization of the resources.Some major resources of Nepal are explained below:
Water Resources
:Nepal is a very rich country in its water resource.It occupies only0.03% of the total land area of the earth but it has 2.27% of the water resources of the world.It is the second richest country in the world in water resources,next to Barzil only.The great Himalayas in the north of our country are the source of perennial rivers like Koshi,Gandaki and Karnali.They are formed by many tributaries that are originated from glaciers of the Himalayas.Similarly many streams are originated from the Mahavarat Mountain ranges which have forest and monsoon.Such streams contain a lot of water in the rainy seasons and very less in dry season.Many rivulets originate from Churiya ranges in the rainy season and dry in the winter and hot seasons.There are more than 6000 rivers and rivulets in this country.There are many lakes,ponds and waterfalls in this country.Nepal has lot of underground water as well.Forest
:The official guess of this country states that there is 37 to 40% of total land occupied by forest.According to statistical pocket book 2006 AD,national park,wildlife reserves,hunting reserves and conservation area occupy 18.33% of total land.Nepal has tropical evergreen forest(43%),decidous monsoon forest (46%) and conifer forest (11%).The popular saying “Green forest,Nepal’s wealth” is still meaningful.We get fodder (for animals),agricultural tools,timely rainfall and long life of springs from the forest.Forest is backbone of Nepalese agriculture.