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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

BOUNDARY TREATY – 1st November 1860

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Throughout the disturbances which followed the mutiny of the native army of bengal in 1857, the maharajah of nepal now not only faithfully maintained the members of the family of peace and friendship set up between the british government and the country of nepal by way of the treaty of sugaulee, but freely positioned troops on the disposal of the british government for the preservation of order in the frontier districts, and in the end despatched a force to co-operate with the british army in re-seize of lucknow and the very last defeat of the rebels.

On the conclusion of these operations, the Viceroy and Governor-General in recognition of the eminent services rendered to the British Government by the Stated of Nepal, decleard his intention to restore to the Maharajah the whole of the lowlands lying between the River Kali and the district of Goruckpore, which belonged to the State of Nepal in 1815, and were cede to the British Government in that year by the aforesaid Treaty. These lands have now been indentified by Commissioners appointed for the purpose by the British Government, in the presence of Commissioners duputed by the Nepal Darbar; masonry pillars have been erected to mark the future boundary of the two States, and the territory has been formally delivered over to the Nepalese Authorities. In order the more firmly delivered over to the Nepal in the perpetual possession of this territory, and to mark in a solemn way the occasion of its restoration, the following Treay has concluded between the two states:

Article 1st
All Treaties and Engagement now in force between the British Government and the Maharajah of Nepal, except in so far as they may be altered by this Treaty, are hereby confirmed.

Article 2nd
The British Government hereby bestows on the Maharajah of Nepal in full sovereignty, the whole of the lowlands between the Rivers Kali and Raptee, and athe whole of the lowlands lying between the River Rapti and the districts of Goruckpore, which were in the possession of the Nepal State in the year 1815, and were cede to the British Government by Article III of the Treaty concluded at Sugaulee on the 2nd of December in that year.

Article 3rd
The boundary line surveyed by the British Commissioners appointed for the purpose extending eastward from the River Kali or Sardah to the foot of the hills north of Bogowra Tal, and marked by pillars, shall henceforth be the boundary between the Britsh Provice of Oudha and the Territories of the Maharajah of Nepal. This Treaty, signed by Lieutenant – Colonel George Ramsay, on the part of His Excellency the Right Honourable Charles John, Earl Canning, G.C.B Viceroy and Governor-General of India, and by Maharaja Jung Vikram Shah Bahadur Shumshere Jung, Shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Kathmandoo within thirty days of the date of signature.
Signed and sealed at Khatmandoo, this First day of November, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and sixty corresponding to the third day of Kartick Budee, sumbut nineteen hundred and seventeen.
G.Ramsay. Lieut.Col,
Resident at Nepal


Viceroy and Governor-General
This Treaty was ratified by His Excellency the Governor – General, at Calcutta, on the 15th November 1860.
A.R Young.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.
BOUNDARY TREATY – 1st November 1860


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